First, and foremost I am definitely not a great fact I'm really not even good and I probably rarely use correct grammar! Yes-I am a teacher and should pay more attention to these things...oops! Thus the title, "Don't Judge Me".
"This Little Light of Mine" by Addison Road is a new version of the good old one you probably sang when you were younger. The more I listen to it the more that it gets stuck in my head and the more that happens the more I find myself begging God for MYSELF to be removed so that HIS light CAN indeed shine. Some days in my humanness-it is just a "little" light and gosh lets be honest sometimes I don't think I allow His light to shine at all. People have been talking a lot lately about their "goals" or prayers for the year 2011. I never really have had a year goal or prayer for the year-but I believe this is what the Lord wants mine to be. That no matter what- good or bad, sad or happy, frustrating or easy, lonely or feeling loved by all...that I would remember I am not in this world for myself but I am in this world to be part of God's story and to glorify His name, shine His light, make HIM KNOWN. My prayer for 2011 is that in every circumstance-I would let my "little light shine"
Hey! Is the title of this post directed at me? :)